About Doug Kirkpatrick

Doug Kirkpatrick is an organizational change consultant, TEDx speaker, executive coach, author, and educator. He recently released his third book, The No-Limits Enterprise: Organizational Self-Management in the New World of Work, an Amazon bestseller with Forbes Books, and is Founder and CEO of D’Artagnan Advisors, helping companies embrace the future of work. A member of the Forbes Speakers network, he has served as a director on a number of boards including the Association for Talent Development (ATD), the world’s largest talent development association with 35,000+ members in 120 countries, and the Leadership Institute for Development, Education and Research (LiDER) to develop leaders throughout the Americas.

Doug began his career in the manufacturing sector, principally with The Morning Star Company, a world leader in the food industry, as a financial controller. He now engages with Open Leadership Network, Great Work Cultures, Semco Style Institute, Center for Innovative Cultures, Responsive, Business Agility Institute and other vibrant organizations and leaders to co-create the future of management. His previous books include Amazon bestsellers Beyond Empowerment: The Age of the Self-Managed Organization and From Hierarchy to High Performance: Unleashing the Hidden Superpowers of Ordinary People to Realize Extraordinary Results.

photo of Rod Collins

About Rod Collins

Rod Collins is a leading expert and thought leader on the future of business transformation, Rod’s books, blogs, podcasts, and speeches inspire through their use of storytelling and leading-edge ideas.

As an author, Rod is continuously focused on pushing businesses to rethink the way they work, collaborate and remain competitive in today’s marketplace. He writes a column on Substack about how the technology revolution is transforming the business of business. An award-winning author, Rod’s books include Wiki Management, which highlights the innovative tools and practices of a revolutionary new management model, and Leadership in a Wiki World, which illustrates how leaders can leverage the power of collective intelligence to sustain extraordinary performance in rapidly changing markets. 

As an international speaker, Rod has appeared before thousands of people around the world. His keynote talks on how emerging technologies such as blockchain, the Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence will dramatically transform business, product, and operating models have captivated people from a wide range of companies. Rod is also the host of the Thinking Differently podcast on the C-Suite Radio Network, where he explores how technological innovations continue to transform the rules for how successful businesses work.

Rod’s most recent research centers around how the exponential growth of the Internet of Things, developments in blockchain technology, and advances in artificial intelligence will merge together into an integrated network that will become the platform for a human-machine symbiosis that enables an extraordinary leap in human intelligence and the transformation of all human institutions.

photo of Rod Collins

About Bill Sanders

Bill Sanders is an organizational transformation and process innovation expert. He drives organizations to execute on innovative strategy using their existing strengths and unlocking latent potential. Using his proven and holistic approach, Bill rapidly bridges the execution gap between strategy and results by identifying the misalignments between strategy, goals, process and execution, and then designing elegant solutions that close those gaps, accelerating growth, profitability and innovation.

Bill’s expertise has attracted over 200 organizations including such global brands as Google, Microsoft, PepsiCo, General Mills, Lipton, Hewlett-Packard, Sprint, and WebEx. He’s done business in three continents, is a past President of the San Francisco American Marketing Association, has published in the American Management Association’s quarterly journal, and is regularly quoted in the press on issues of organizational culture, productivity, and innovation. He is Principal and Managing Director of Roebling Strauss, Inc., a management consultancy focused on Organizational and Process Innovation. He is also a co-author of “From Hierarchy to High Performance.”

photo of Rod Collins